Well Well Well, It has been a busy few days in the lab. However i still have not escaped the over excitement of Micheal Jackson's death. I mean this is too much, great people die every day and they don't get that much attention. all i have to do is mention i have tickets to his service and people would be attacking me. Every one is crying over him and wishing he was still alive but no one asks the cray blogger mad scientist to bring him back to life, do they! (it's really simple too). Well you don't want to know any more about him or any other over glorified celeb that's why you reading this blog. Unfortunately hits to this blog have been down lately, so I'd like someone to write to, if you know any one who may not hate this blog tell them to visit it. Tell you friends (or feids) about this blog.
I have been giving the universe some thought lately and i have come to one conclusion, theorist like Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein are wrong when it come to the theories about origins of the universe! I say this not because of their theories, but because they have no solid explanations. they are wrong because they have no answer that can be proven.