Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well i have successfully contacted extra terrestrial life. I know what you are thinking why doesn't the media and the government know about it. well i did not tell them, that's why, i did not tell them because they told me the last time they contacted earthlings the government shot at them and hid them in a top secret base. Well now we plot revenge together and the U.S. Air Force will be put in a jar in an alien laboratory, ha ha ha haaa! I'm sure you have a picture in your mined what you think the aliens look like but your wrong, it looks nothing like a traditional alien. The movies, posters and even the YouTube videos that show you what "aliens" look like, are all government propaganda designed to disguise the true form of extra terrestrial life. They have unlocked the secrets of the universe and given me weapons so terribly inhumane and destructive nations will bow at my feet at the very mention of it. Here are some snap shots of the fearsome geniuses, don’t look if you are the government.

1 comment:

TT said...

Did you make that creature in the game Spore?