Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well well well

Well, well, well, i see no one has made successful contact with me on this blog, i grow impatient and you probably do not know what mad scientists do when they grow impatient, they begin work on a dooms day device, haa haa haah! well i told you last post that i had a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde experiment in progress, i works pretty much like it did in the book except i only turn into Dr. Jekyll when i drink the stuff and it only lasts about 20 minutes. i put some in my neighbors well and it wasn't long before he was terrorizing small children and not leaving tips! i gave some to my chickens and they started Hillary Clinton and Obama impersonations. I suppose you all are wondering if i have the classic Frankenstein project in my lab, well the truth is that i have made several attempts but one cadaver is ever good enough so i end up sewing 4 or 7 parts together and it does not work out well or even look good so i take it apart and try again. the storeys make it seem like putting life into the thing is the hard part but it isn't, now a days you just plug en in and download a basic life program and it's alive. The hard part is getting the body parts to fit together and getting that Frankenstein's monster personality just right. when an is some one reads this leave a comment and let me know what you think. and don't forget to check out my other blog: Common Cold Remedies.

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