Monday, April 13, 2009


Well yestrday was what you people call Easter. I am a mad scientist so i spent my day programing Destructo Bunny Destroyer of Worlds. I does not quite work yet it is only destroying eggs and shooting at the children outside looking for Easter Eggs. Eventually i hope it will terrorize the entire free world and civilization will be at my evil knees begging for the mercy of a quick death. Don't worry if you are a follower of this blog you will be allowed to govern the slaves of my new empire, ha ha hahah! Igor will of course be my right hand slave. Well I shouldn't plan too far ahead most of my evil plans have failed, but one day you will all see!! I know not everyone celebrates Easter so I will build a destrucato pineapple, i think that is non bias enough.

1 comment:

Dan Eastwood said...

Hi Dr. Z!

Good luck with the Destructo Bunny thing, I look forward to seeing the results.

PS: You might also appreciate this blog: It's one of my favorites.