Saturday, April 4, 2009

Kool Aid and Onions

Well, i know i missed a day yesterday but Igor and i were digging in cemeteries and graveyards (yes there is a difference) all day. It was a productive day, most of the cadavers we liberated in the name of science proved to be use able. Ahh i can not think with that noise. Oh i guess you can't hear it from were you live, unless you live in Transylvania, well it is the sound of a half living corps being slowly electrified by jumper cables connected to an 85' Caprice Classic. Yeah we modern mad scientists don't do the lightning storm thing. It should be alive and terrorizing the local village by Monday. The aliens i told you about are doing well they like Kool Aid and Onions!? I can't believe no one has asked me any questions to ask the aliens, i mean they have unlocked the secrets of the universe. Tell every one you know to visit this blog!

1 comment:

Dan Eastwood said...

Hello Dr. Z,
I had to delete the comment you left on my blog because it is too similar to the many SPAM post I get from other people fishing for readers. Don't feel bad, I delete all posts that are not relevant.

However, I just happen to have another blog about science and humor, and if you were to make relevant comments there, you might actually attract the type of readers you want.