Monday, July 13, 2009

X-mas is 5monts and 5days away

Well, Well, Well, if you remember back to my Easter post i told you about a giant destructo bunny i was planing to build, and then i later told you it would not work. Well i think i will kidnap Santa Clause this year! Don't worry Christmas will not be canceled i just want to do some experiments on him to find out how he does what he does. Perhaps little mined control won't hert either. Think about it, that man can go anywhere in the world in one night and sneak into every one's house without setting off the alarm! Now imagine that kind of power in the hands of an evil mad scientist like me Ha Ha Hahhh! I cant reveal any part of my plan because there are always those people out there who would try to be a hero. Christmas this year would not be any different than in the past, think of it under new management

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