Monday, June 14, 2010

My Paradox

Well, Well, Well, If you remember a few months ago i blogged about my time machine.  I decided to dust it off and try it out again.  This motivation came shortly after i noticed my future self peering at me between my electric chair and my stack of frozen cadavers.  I waved at my self and i waved back.  I said i went to the future and i came back to the wrong time so i said i would try again and i went back into the machine and disappeared.  I (in the present) remembered i wanted to go into the future to find out how my latest genetic engineering experiment turns out.  So i jumped into the time machine and i reached the future and i discovered i would have success in creating a flying monkey (like in the Wizard of Oz).  i went back but for some reason i came out about five minuets in the past and i emerged between my electric chair and my stack of cadavers.  I saw myself; i waved and i waved back.

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