Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Well, no one has commented on the question i had about capitalizing my "I"s so i have decided a mad scientist is not a writer nor is he an English nut, i decided to not capitalize any "i"s. The aliens are still living in my basement and i don't think they are planing to leave any time soon. The first reason for this is what i told you about a few posts ago, they love Kool Aid and onions, their new found love of earth is a computer game they bought called Call of Duty 4. I often visit them to discus the mysteries of the universe by they are too busy playing COD 4 or watching YouTube videos, this all makes me realize these are the things our planet should be proud of, not going to the moon or curing diseases, but finding new ways to spend money to have fun or creating a way to watch some one do some thing stupid from the other side of the world. I am a mad scientist and i don't mean to put down science but no one really cares about science unless it leads to an entertaining invention.